Articles tagged with “Bugs”
Debug Helper Extension for Extbase
Extbase in TYPO3 4.5 LTS has no built-in possibility to debug model objects. Whenever you try to var_dump() a model object or log it to t3lib_div::devLog(), you'll probably end up in out-of-memory exceptions. This article introduces an extension as a temporary solution for that. -
TYPO3 caching framework throws CLIENT_ERROR with broken php5-memcache package from Debian Squeeze
The TYPO3 caching framework in TYPO3 4.5.0 runs into troubles when using memcached backend on Debian Squeeze. It seems that Squeeze ships a broken php5-memcache package, which does not fit the API of memcached 1.4.4. Since Squeeze is already released, there will be no fix in the official stable repository. But I provide a fixed package for download. -
Fixed broken comment form on this site (update)
The comment form of this blog was broken the last two days. The reason was that I disabled the no_cache parameter in the install tool. It seems the ve_guestbook extension somehow relies on this parameter. The comments are now working properly again. Sorry for the inconvenience. -
Security issue in TYPO3 Extension Secure Directory (kw_secdir)
Today, the TYPO3 security team released a collective security bulletin. Since I am the author of one extension which was listed in the bulletin (kw_secdir), I'd like to comment this a little bit. Especially the severity of "high" sounds evil, but it's IMHO less dangerous than some might think. -
IE once again sucks
On some of our websites, we use conditional comments to control CSS hacks for Internet Explorer. If you create static copies of a website (or mirror), never forget that only IE will follow the @import links inside conditional controls - tools like httrack or wget certainly will not, because they know how to behave! This fact cost me almost an hour today. -
TYPO3 breaks on Ubuntu 8.04 LTS Hardy Heron (and how to fix it)
After a dist-upgrade from Gutsy to Hardy on our webserver, TYPO3 was suddenly broken. The reason is a bug in PHP 5.2.4. There is a workaround for TYPO3, but unfortunately the patch is still pending in the core list. -
Broken pdfinfo shipped with Zotero [fixed]
To index and search PDF files within Zotero, you need the Xpdf tool pdfinfo. As it seems that most versions of pdfinfo are either not compatible with Zotero or broken otherwise, I decided to build it from scratch and provide it for download.